National dryer vent cleaning improves the safety and efficiency of your dryer installation. As a dryer vent becomes filled with lint and other debris drying time increases. It can also cause the dryer itself to overheat.
If you have noticed that your dryer is running longer than it used to, then you may need to have a National dryer vent cleaning performed. Some dryer vents are relatively short and straight and can be cleaned easily by the homeowner. Others aren’t that easy, and may require the use of special tools and equipment. National Dryer Vent Cleaning has tools specifically designed for this purpose. With these tools National dryer vent cleaning is able to do a thorough job of cleaning even the most difficult installations. While dryer vents are routinely blocked with lint, animal nesting is also another frequent cause of dryer vent blockage. Our equipment allows us to remove these blockages as well.
Another problem created by blocked dryer vents serving gas dryers is the possibility of carbon monoxide (CO) seepage into your home. If the dryer is not exhausting properly to the outdoors, CO can back up into the home.
We recommend that this type of National dryer vent cleaning be done at least every two years. If you have never had your dryer vent cleaned before, then you should definitely consider having this done. In many cases, the cost of the cleaning can be recovered over the next year by your savings in hydro alone.
There’s a hidden fire hazard in almost every home!
Benefits of National Dryer Vent Cleaning
- Significantly Reduced Risk Of Fire
- Restores Optimal Airflow
- Reduced Energy Costs
- Faster Drying Times
- Increase The Life Of Your Dryer
- Reduce the possibility of carbon monoxide (CO) seepage
Advance Warning Signs
- Clothes (especially towels or jeans) take a very long time to dry.
- Clothes are hotter than usual at the end of the cycle.
- Flapper on vent hood doesn’t open when dryer is on.
[infobox_error]If you notice any of these signs, schedule National Window Washing for a professional National dryer vent cleaning or inspection immediately. You could save money and even your life with this simple procedure.[/infobox_error]
Sound Unlikely?
Here are some alarming facts from a May 2003 report from the Consumer Product Safety Commission:
– Over 15,000 clothes dryer fires occur each year
– Result in approx. 20 deaths, 370 injuries and over $75 million in property damage annually
– The high-limit thermostat may prematurely fail when subjected to high ambient tempature
After a significant build up of debris in the dryer vent hose, the dryer overheats and the lint catches fire. Combustibles in the immediate vicinity then help fuel the fire.
Unlike many health and safety issues National Dryer Vent Cleaning is faced with in the home, this safety problem has an easy and low cost solution. The best way to prevent the possibility of a dryer fire harming your home and family is with a thorough dryer inspection by the professionals at National Window Washing.
A key to effective dryer performance is optimal airflow. A properly installed all-metal dryer vent will help ensure this airflow. Skilled technicians from National Window Washing will check to ensure there is proper airflow for the dryer. National Dryer Vent Cleaning will also ensure that the right equipment is in use.
In addition, numerous financial benefits are achieved from annual dryer vent cleaning. Removing the lint allows the dryer to operate more efficiently. Which will reduce energy costs significantly. Drying times are decreased. Your dryer can last much longer since it’s not operating at the higher temperatures that are caused by the lint buildup. The charge for this service is surprisingly reasonable. It also pays for itself in lower service and utility costs.
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